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R003 - Change multiple IN for a date to Break IN
Rule R003 changes multiple clock type "IN" to clock type "BREAK IN" for entries in a day. Shift start time and "Time Buffer" settings are used to determine a day. For Example:

  1. Shift A starts at 8 am and "Time Buffer" has 15 minutes before the start, then a day is from 7:45 am to 7:44 am (next day)
  2. Shift B starts at 8 pm and "Time Buffer" has 60 minutes before the start, then a day is from 7:00 pm to 6.59 pm (next day).

Example 1
: Shift A starts at 8 am and "Time Buffer" has 15 minutes before the start, then a day is from 7:45 am to 7:44 am (next day)

Employee has the following clock entries:

 Date  Time Clock Type 
 01/01/2019  8:00AM  IN 
 01/01/2019  1:00PM   OUT
 01/01/2019  2:00PM  IN
 01/01/2019  5:00PM  OUT
 01/01/2019  6:00PM  IN 
 02/01/2019  1:00AM  OUT
 02/01/2019  2:00AM  IN
 02/01/2019  4:00AM  OUT

When this rule is enabled, the system will change the clock entries as shown below:

Date  Time Clock Type 
 01/01/2019  8:00AM  IN 
 01/01/2019  1:00PM   OUT
  01/01/2019  2:00PM  BREAK IN
 01/01/2019  5:00PM  OUT
 01/01/2019  6:00PM  BREAK IN
 02/01/2019  1:00AM  OUT
 02/01/2019  2:00AM  BREAK IN
 02/01/2019  4:00AM  OUT

The system will create 1 entry from 8:00AM to 4:00AM (next day) with breaks from 1PM-2PM, 5PM-6PM and 1AM-2AM.

Example 2:
Shift B starts at 8 pm and "Time Buffer" has 60 minutes before the start, then a day is from 7:00 pm to 6.59 pm (next day)

Employee has the following clock entries:

 Date  Time Clock Type 
 01/01/2019  8:00PM  IN 
 02/01/2019  1:00AM   OUT
 02/01/2019  2:00AM  IN
 02/01/2019  5:00AM  OUT
 02/01/2019  6:00AM  IN
 02/01/2019  1:00PM  OUT
 02/01/2019  2:00PM  IN
 02/01/2019  4:00PM  OUT

When this rule is enabled, the system will change the clock entries as shown below:

 Date  Time Clock Type 
 01/01/2019  8:00PM  IN 
 02/01/2019  1:00AM   OUT
 02/01/2019  2:00AM  BREAK IN
 02/01/2019  5:00AM  OUT
 02/01/2019  6:00AM  BREAK IN
 02/01/2019  1:00PM  OUT
 02/01/2019  2:00PM  BREAK IN
 02/01/2019  4:00PM  OUT

The system will create 1 entry from 8:00PM to 4:00PM (next day) with breaks from 1AM-2AM, 5AM-6AM and 1PM-2AM.

Steps to enable rule:

  1. Enable the rule:
    1. Click on the "Pencil Icon"next to the rule code.
    2. Tick the "Active " checkbox.
    3. Save. Click the "Floppy Icon".